During one of my classes, we are tasked to create a brand style guide for our future or fictional design studio. I decided to redesign and rebrand my ris arts studio and change it to K.Reate Design Studio this one suits more with my style and it has a creative naming to it and it still incorporates my name and the studio. 

This wall is where I brainstorm what the brand style is going to be, from the brand colour to suit the brand personality and how I would format it and turn it into a booklet.
This is when I played around with the brand name from Ris Arts, changing it to Ris Create, to K Create. Then I realized K and C can sound the same in the word create so it got rid of C and now the word Kreate starts with KR which is my initial, so I added a period between K and R now it becomes K.Reate Design Studio.
So I played around with the logo with K.Reate in mind and have a different version of it. But decided and ended up with these four different versions of the logo below.
Here is the content of the Brand Style Guide Booklet.

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